Write XML file DOM parser in Java
Learn to write XML file DOM parser in Java example. How to write XML document in file or console using DOM parser. Writing a XML document using DOM (Document Object Model) parser in java is very easy.
Learn to write XML file DOM parser in Java example. How to write XML document in file or console using DOM parser. Writing a XML document using DOM (Document Object Model) parser in java is very easy.
Learn different aspect of JAXB Example with XML Namespace. Different configuration for XML namespace. How do you marshal and un-marshal in case of XML namespace.
Learn JAXB Example of Nested List of XML Element. Nested object, one container class holds a reference to another class. Let say, container class is Employee which holds the reference of Address or list of Address, then how you bind in JAXB 2.0.
JAXB annotations in Java is a way of notifying JVM to do on behalf of developer. different type of Annotations used in JAXB API the annotation as @XmlRootElement, @XmlType, @XmLElementWrapper, @XmlAttribute, @XmlAccessorType @XmlJavaTypeAdapter
Learn step-by-step JAXB example Java. Minimum annotation to understand JAXB 2.0 for new learner, hello word JAXB example first JAXB example.
What is JAXB in Java? JAXB: Java Architecture for XML Binding to convert java object to XML and XML to java object. Learn Features of JAXB, advantages of JAXB.
Learn Comparable vs Comparator in Java. Both java.lang.Comparable and java.util.Comparator are used to sort the list of Java custom objects in natural and custom sorting respectively.
Learn how to sort objects using comparator in Java. Example of sorting on Java.util.Date, String, integer property on asc and desc order. There are different approach to sort a list of object or List of Custom object in java.
Learn how to sort list of objects using comparable in Java, step by step example of sorting using comaprable, why sorting required, use case of sorting, etc.
Learn how to create Java web project using Apache Maven command line. Example of how to create web project using Maven Java.