Design Pattern Used In JDK

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Abstract Factory: offers the interface for creating a family of related objects, without explicitly specifying their classes. We can simply say that it is higher level of abstraction of factory pattern.
Examples –

Used in jdk as:

  • java.util.Calendar#getInstance()
  • java.util.Arrays#asList()
  • java.util.ResourceBundle#getBundle()
  • java.sql.DriverManager#getConnection()
  • java.sql.Connection#createStatement()
  • java.sql.Statement#executeQuery()
  • java.text.NumberFormat#getInstance()
  • (all getXXX() methods)
  • java.nio.charset.Charset#forName()
  • javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory#newInstance()
  • javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory#newInstance()
  • javax.xml.xpath.XPathFactory#newInstance()

Prototype : Specify the kinds of objects to create using a prototypical instance, and create new objects by copying this prototype.

Used in jdk:

    java.lang.Object#clone() (the class has to implement java.lang.Cloneable)

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