Ansible IT Infrastructure Automation
Let me first focus on what is Ansible Ansible is mainly used for IT infrastructure management or deploy applications to the remote nodes.
Let me first focus on what is Ansible Ansible is mainly used for IT infrastructure management or deploy applications to the remote nodes.
How to generate signed hash for a file in a Windows or Linux environment learn step by step in this article.
DSO missing from command line and error adding symbols Fix error /usr/lib64/
LZO stands for Lempel-Ziv-Oberhumer. lzo compression is a data-compression algorithm that focuses on decompression speed.
This post is about how to install scp on centOS 7 Linux. scp command is used to copy files/folders from one Linux/UNIX server to another Linux/UNIX server
The grep command is used to search the pattern or pattern of words or characters in a file(s) or folder, and pull those lines to display on the terminal.
Index page of all Linux tutorials. Tutorial of Linux. Linux is an open source Operating system.
ps and kill are two powerful commands and utility tools in Linux/Unix/Mac to view running processes and to kill running process Linux respectively
Redhat 6 missing header files from /usr/include/stropts.h is a trick to recover. When migrating our code from Redhat 5 to Redhat 6 and if we are using some header file like ‘stropts.h’. So we got a compilation error because some of the development packages are missing at the time of installation.
Shell script mongodb, shell script to spawn different mongod processes on different ports in a single system and add a replica set of MongoDB. This is very easy to do and write in Linux shell script instead of writing one by on Linux terminal.