Annotation in JAX-WS
What are the list of Annotation in JAX-WS in Java? Different types of annotations are being used in JAX-WS for implementing Java JAX-WS web services.
What are the list of Annotation in JAX-WS in Java? Different types of annotations are being used in JAX-WS for implementing Java JAX-WS web services.
Different annotation in Spring framework are @Controller, @Service, @Repository, @Component. Spring is a one of the most popular application framework in Java. User communities of Spring framework is very wide and very huge.
JAXB annotations in Java is a way of notifying JVM to do on behalf of developer. different type of Annotations used in JAXB API the annotation as @XmlRootElement, @XmlType, @XmLElementWrapper, @XmlAttribute, @XmlAccessorType @XmlJavaTypeAdapter