JAX-RS queryparam example retrieving query parameter value from query string in Jersey rest API. In JAX-RS, getting values from queryString in jersey is very easy and it’s can be multiple ways. I’m trying to demonstrate with different approach. @QueryParam
annotation is used to bind the queryString parameter in Jersery and it’s very handy.
Note: here orderBy parameter provided more than once, it means , sorting can be on multiple parameter and when you provide same key multiple times , jersey implementation convert int into list smartly.
1. Maven dependency for JAX-RS queryparam
You can choose version of jersey as per your choice.
com.sun.jersey jersey-server 1.9
2. Get Value from @QueryPram
package com.mysoftkey.jaxrs; import java.util.List; import javax.ws.rs.DefaultValue; import javax.ws.rs.GET; import javax.ws.rs.Path; import javax.ws.rs.QueryParam; import javax.ws.rs.core.Context; import javax.ws.rs.core.Response; import javax.ws.rs.core.UriInfo; /** * This Service class is used to demonstrate to get values from queryString with different approach. * * @author Ranjeet Jha * */ @Path("/queryParam") public class JerseryQueryParamService { /** * In this method, retrieve few parameters from queryString in JAX-RS queryparam. * * service endpoint: http://localhost:8080/jersey/queryParam/withQuery?offset=1&len=10&orderBy=firstName&orderBy=lastName * @param from * @param to * @param orderBy * @return */ @GET @Path("/withQuery") public Response getParamsFromQueryString(@QueryParam("offset") int from, @QueryParam("len") int to, @QueryParam("orderBy") ListorderBy) { return Response.status(200).entity(" offset : " + from + ", len : " + to + ", orderBy" + orderBy.toString()).build(); } }
Service URL : http://localhost:8080/jersey/queryParam/withQuery?offset=1&len=10&orderBy=firstName&orderBy=lastName
offset : 1, len : 10, orderBy[firstName, lastName]
3. Get values Programatically using @Context
annotation used to bind request related param not only queryString. You can retrieve another parameter from HttpRequest.
/** * In this method, retrieve multiple parameters from {@link UriInfo} for queryString. * * Service endpoint: http://localhost:8080/jersey/queryParam/withUriInfo?offset=1&len=10&orderBy=firstName&orderBy=lastName * * @param info * @return */ @GET @Path("/withUriInfo") public Response getPersonInfo(@Context UriInfo info) { String offset = info.getQueryParameters().getFirst("offset"); String len = info.getQueryParameters().getFirst("len"); ListorderBy = info.getQueryParameters().get("orderBy"); return Response.status(200).entity("offset: " + offset + ", length : " + len + ", orderBy" + orderBy.toString()).build(); }
Service URL : http://localhost:8080/jersey/queryParam/withUriInfo?offset=1&len=10&orderBy=firstName&orderBy=lastName
offset: 1, length : 10, orderBy[firstName, lastName]
4. Get default Values using @DefaulatValue
@DefaultValue annotation used to bind the default value if parameter is not available in the request and if available in the request then bind provided value in that parameter. Here, I have not provided offset in the queryString so it takes the default value as 1 which is configured in the method annotation.
/** * In this method, retrieve multiple parameters from JAX-RS queryParam with a default value, * it means if the parameter is not available in queryString it takes the default value assigned to. * in the following URL , offset we are not providing then it picks the default value i.e. 1. * * Service URL: http://localhost:8080/jersey/queryParam/withDefaultValue?len=10&orderBy=firstName&orderBy=lastName * * @param offset * @param length * @param orderBy * @return */ @GET @Path("/withDefaultValue") public Response getQueryParamWithDefaultVale( @DefaultValue("1") @QueryParam("offset") int offset, @DefaultValue("10") @QueryParam("len") int length, @DefaultValue("name") @QueryParam("orderBy") ListorderBy) { return Response.status(200).entity("offset : " + offset + ", length : " + length + ", orderBy" + orderBy.toString()).build(); }
Service URL:
offset : 1, length : 10, orderBy[firstName, lastName]
5. Download Source Code
Download source code of JAX-RS: Jersey CookieParam Example
6. References
Happy learning in the JAX-RS tutorial series for retrieving the query parameter from the query string.