4. Which of the following is not a built-in role for MongoDB?
Check all that apply:
a. userOwner
b. dbAdmin
c. clusterMonitor
d. userAdminAnyDatabase
you can visit article 13 reasons of using MongoDB
is not a built-in role for MongoDB.
5. Which of the following are properties of MongoDB’s authorization model?
Check all that apply:
a. Role Inheritance
b. Roles are groups of privileged individuals
c. Actions on resources define privileges
d. Roles are granted to users with a per-database granularity
6. The following are properties of MongoDB’s authorization model:
a. Role Inheritance
b. Actions on resources define privileges
c. Roles are granted to users with a per-database granularity
d. The following are not properties of MongoDB’s authorization model:
Roles are groups of privileged individuals
Roles do not contain users, and while you can group users by role, that’s not how MongoDB thinks of it; it thinks of each user as being assigned a set of roles.
7. Which of the following are valid privilege actions?
Check all that apply:
a. find
b. recover
c. viewUser
d. killProc
e. unlock
The following are valid privilege actions in MongoDB:
The following are not valid privilege actions in MongoDB: