Upgrades on Sharded Clusters

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mongodb upgrade sharded cluster on production or staging environmentIn MongoDB upgrade sharded cluster from one mongoDB version to another. step-by-step guide for mongoDB upgradation.

1. MongoDB upgrade sharded cluster

Up-gradation in MongoDB sharded cluster whether it’s production or staging environment, it is easy, if you follow these steps else you struggle a lot.
The thumb rule and general order for recommendation upgrades as:

  • Secondaries of your shards first
  • Upgrade your Primaries (using step down)
  • Config servers: Take one out, upgrade it, bring it back in, repeat the process with the rest, etc Mongos processes

2. Quiz: how to upgrade MongoDB version on sharded cluster

there are so many quizzes can be on this topic of how to upgrade MongoDB version from one to another on sharded cluster on either production or staging environment. For keeping it simple, I have asked only one question.

Question: Which of the following are REQUIRED when upgrading a sharded cluster to MongoDB 2.6? Check all that apply.

a. If your MongoDB deployment is not already running MongoDB 2.4, upgrade to 2.4 first.
b. Upgrade all mongos instances before upgrading mongod instances.
c. Upgrade all mongod instances before upgrading mongos instances.
d. Disable the balancer.
e. Upgrade the secondaries on all shards before upgrading any primary.

Ans: a, b and d

3. Reference

You can visit docs.mongodb.com for more details.

Thanks for visiting this post for how to upgrade mongoDB version on sharded cluster. You can also visit MongoDB Tutorials for more articles on MongoDB document-oriented database.
Happy Learning 🙂

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