Different Annotations in Spring framework

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Annotation in Spring FrameworkDifferent annotation in Spring framework are @Controller, @Service, @Repository, @Component. Spring is a one of the most popular application framework in Java. User communities of Spring framework is very wide and very huge.

1. Annotation in Spring Framework

There are different annotations used in Spring Application Framework , here are some key annotations used in Spring. If you novice in Spring Framework you can view my another post , Spring Restful Webservice example with Maven and Tomcat.

Annotation NameDescription
@ControllerThis is used to tell to spring container that this class is used as Controller
@RestController This is used to tell to spring container that this class is used as Rest Controller (Spring Restful Webservice controller)\, not returns any view in this class method.
@Serviceused to annotate Service implementation class.
@Repositoryused for DAO(Data Access Object) class to wrap all SQLException into DataAccessException
@Componentthis is super class of @Controller, @Service, @Repository. its used basically in utility sort of class like property Editor, validator, etc.
This is used to inject the bean by the spring container.

2. example of @Controller

code snippet of @Controller

public class CustomerController { 
// some methods

3. example of @RestController

code snippet of @RestController

public class CustomerController { 


4. @Service example

code snippet of @RestController

public class CustomerServiceImpl implements CustomerService{

 private CustomerDao customerDao;

5. @Repository example

code snippet of @Repository

public class CustomerDaoImpl implements CustomerDao {

// some methods

6. @RequestMapping example

code snippet of @RequestMapping

public class CustomerController {

  * @return
 @RequestMapping(value = "/", method = RequestMethod.GET)
 public ResponseEntity 	 	 	 	 	 	 	 	 	 	 	> getCustomerListHandler() {
  List customerList = null;
  HttpStatus status = HttpStatus.OK;
  try {
   customerList = customerService.getCustomers();
   if (customerList == null) {
  } catch (Exception e) {
   status = HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST;

  return new ResponseEntity 	 	 	 	 	 	 	 	 	 	 	>(customerList, status);


7. @Autowired example

code snippet of @Autowired

public class CustomerController {

// create the reference of CustomerService, 
// Spring container inject it implementation bean into it.
 private CustomerService customerService;

// some methods below

You can visit Java Spring framework for more in depth.

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