JAX-RS queryparam example retrieving query parameter value from query string in Jersey rest API. In JAX-RS, getting values from queryString in jersey is very easy and it’s can be multiple ways. I’m trying to demonstrate with different approach.
annotation is used to bind the queryString parameter in Jersery and it’s very handy.
Note: here orderBy parameter provided more than once, it means , sorting can be on multiple parameter and when you provide same key multiple times , jersey implementation convert int into list smartly.
1. Maven dependency for JAX-RS queryparam
You can choose version of jersey as per your choice.
com.sun.jersey jersey-server 1.9
2. Get Value from @QueryPram
package com.mysoftkey.jaxrs; import java.util.List; import javax.ws.rs.DefaultValue; import javax.ws.rs.GET; import javax.ws.rs.Path; import javax.ws.rs.QueryParam; import javax.ws.rs.core.Context; import javax.ws.rs.core.Response; import javax.ws.rs.core.UriInfo; /** * This Service class is used to demonstrate to get values from queryString with different approach. * * @author Ranjeet Jha * */ @Path("/queryParam") public class JerseryQueryParamService { /** * In this method, retrieve few parameters from queryString in JAX-RS queryparam. * * service endpoint: http://localhost:8080/jersey/queryParam/withQuery?offset=1&len=10&orderBy=firstName&orderBy=lastName * @param from * @param to * @param orderBy * @return */ @GET @Path("/withQuery") public Response getParamsFromQueryString(@QueryParam("offset") int from, @QueryParam("len") int to, @QueryParam("orderBy") ListorderBy) { return Response.status(200).entity(" offset : " + from + ", len : " + to + ", orderBy" + orderBy.toString()).build(); } }
Service URL : http://localhost:8080/jersey/queryParam/withQuery?offset=1&len=10&orderBy=firstName&orderBy=lastName
offset : 1, len : 10, orderBy[firstName, lastName]
3. Get values Programatically using @Context
annotation used to bind request related param not only queryString. You can retrieve another parameter from HttpRequest.
/** * In this method, retrieve multiple parameters from {@link UriInfo} for queryString. * * Service endpoint: http://localhost:8080/jersey/queryParam/withUriInfo?offset=1&len=10&orderBy=firstName&orderBy=lastName * * @param info * @return */ @GET @Path("/withUriInfo") public Response getPersonInfo(@Context UriInfo info) { String offset = info.getQueryParameters().getFirst("offset"); String len = info.getQueryParameters().getFirst("len"); ListorderBy = info.getQueryParameters().get("orderBy"); return Response.status(200).entity("offset: " + offset + ", length : " + len + ", orderBy" + orderBy.toString()).build(); }
Service URL : http://localhost:8080/jersey/queryParam/withUriInfo?offset=1&len=10&orderBy=firstName&orderBy=lastName
offset: 1, length : 10, orderBy[firstName, lastName]
4. Get default Values using @DefaulatValue
@DefaultValue annotation used to bind the default value if parameter is not available in the request and if available in the request then bind provided value in that parameter. Here, I have not provided offset in the queryString so it takes the default value as 1 which is configured in the method annotation.
/** * In this method, retrieve multiple parameters from JAX-RS queryParam with a default value, * it means if the parameter is not available in queryString it takes the default value assigned to. * in the following URL , offset we are not providing then it picks the default value i.e. 1. * * Service URL: http://localhost:8080/jersey/queryParam/withDefaultValue?len=10&orderBy=firstName&orderBy=lastName * * @param offset * @param length * @param orderBy * @return */ @GET @Path("/withDefaultValue") public Response getQueryParamWithDefaultVale( @DefaultValue("1") @QueryParam("offset") int offset, @DefaultValue("10") @QueryParam("len") int length, @DefaultValue("name") @QueryParam("orderBy") ListorderBy) { return Response.status(200).entity("offset : " + offset + ", length : " + length + ", orderBy" + orderBy.toString()).build(); }
Service URL:
offset : 1, length : 10, orderBy[firstName, lastName]
5. Download Source Code
Download source code of JAX-RS: Jersey CookieParam Example
6. References
Happy learning in the JAX-RS tutorial series for retrieving the query parameter from the query string.