Learn what is Stack Data Structure? Stack is a simple data structure used for storing similar type. push() and pop() operation is largely used in Stack datastructure.
1. Key Points of Stack Data Structure
- Stack is an ordered list, where insertion and deletion are permitted at one end only.
- It is based on LIFO (Last-in First-out).
- Stack is Linear List
2. Key operations in Stack data structure
The following are key operationss or methods in stack data structure. Basic operations of stack:
2.1 Basic operations in Stack data structure
- push(): method is used to push item on top of the stack.
- pop(): method is used to return from top and delete.
2.2 Supplementary operations in Stack
The supplimentary operations in stack are: top()
, peek()
, size()
and isEmpty()
- top()/peek(): it returns top element (last inserted element) from the stack without removing it.
- size(): it returns number of element stored in the Stack.
- isEmpty(): it returns boolean true/false whether element is available in stack or not
3. Different Implementation of Stack data structure
- Simple Array based implementation: in the implementation size of array is fixed. A push operation will throw exception like fullStackException when you try to push in full arraylist.
- Dynamic Array based implementation: this approach array are growable with predefined way.
- LinkedList based implementation: in this approach , push method implemented by inseting element at the begining of the list. pop() method is implemented by deleting node from the beginning.
4. Application where Stack can be Used
There are a number of application based on stack which uses extensively in every languages. Few of application where stack being used as:
- Implementing method chaining call
- Page-visit history in web browser
- Undo sequence in a text-editor
- Matching tags in HTML/XML
- Evaluation of postfix expression
- infix to postfix conversion
- Balancing symbol
5. Example of Stack in real life
There are number of real life example even for non-programmer one of them as
6. Analysis of Performance and Limitation
- space complexity for pushing n element:
- Time complexity of
- Time complexity of
- Time complexity of
- Time complexity of
- Time complexity of
- Your comments/suggestions are welcome to improve this post.
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