How to Implement Fixed Size Stack in Java

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Implement Fixed Size Stack in JavaLearn, how to implement fixed size Stack in Java. Implementation of ADT type of data structure Stack. Fixed size array based implementation.

1. Overview of Implement fixed size stack in Java

Stack is ADT type of data structure which has different implementation for different purpose for fulfilling of different contextual requirement. This article tried to implement how to implement by using fixed-size array-based implementation. If you want to know something basic about Stack, you can visit What is Stack Data structure.

2. implemenation details of fixed size stack Java

In this section, you get to know basic implementationo of fixed size stack in Java. In this example there are different class involved:

  1. Stack Interface which contains all the methods.
  2. Implementation of Fixed Size Stack class.
  3. Main class for demonstration of Stack implementation.

3. Stack Interface with All Methods

This is Stack interface which contains all the methods which we need to implement in its various implementation.

package com.mysoftkey.ds.stack;

 * this is interface/contract for stack basic to implement fixed size stack in java.
 * @author ranjeet
public interface Stack {

	 * This push method used to add element.
	 * @param data
	void push(int data)  throws Exception;

	 * This method remove top element and return that.
	 * throws exception if empty stack 
	 * @return
	int pop() throws Exception;

	 * return top element, throws if stack is empty.
	 * @return
	int top() throws Exception;

	 * This is helping method to find whether stack is empty or not.
	 * if empty return true else false.
	 * @return
	boolean isEmpty();

	 * this method return stack length at present.
	 * @return
	int size();


4. Fixed Size Stack Implementation class

package com.mysoftkey.ds.stack;

import java.util.NoSuchElementException;

 * This Data structure class is used for the fixed-size implementation of Stack.
 * For simplicity, the data type is here int else you can 
 * another data type of your choice.
 * @author Ranjeet
public class FixedArrayStack implements Stack {
	// Length of the array used to implement the stack.
	protected int capacity;

	// Default array capacity, it's better to choose the power of 2.
	public static final int CAPACITY = 16;	

	// Array used to implement the stack.
	protected int[] stack;

	// Index/position of the top element of the stack in the array.
	protected int top = -1;

	 * Initializes the stack to use an array of default length.
	public FixedArrayStack() {
		 // initialize with default capacity

	 * parameterized constructor to accept the capacity of the array. 
	 * Initializes the stack to use an array of a given length.
	 * @param capacity
	public FixedArrayStack(int length) {
		this.capacity = length;
		stack = new int[this.capacity]; 


	public void push(int data) throws Exception {
		if (size() == capacity){
			throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("StackOrverflowException.");
		} else {
			stack[++top] = data;

	public int top() throws Exception {
		if (isEmpty())
			throw new NoSuchElementException("Stack is empty.");
		return stack[top];

	// Removes the top element from the stack. This method runs in O(1) time.
	public int pop() throws Exception {
		int data;
		if (isEmpty())
			throw new NoSuchElementException("Stack is empty.");
		data = stack[top];
		// dereference S[top] for garbage collection.
		stack[top--] = Integer.MIN_VALUE; 
		return data;

	public int size() {
		return (top + 1);

	public boolean isEmpty() {
		return (top < 0);
	 * Returns a string representation of the stack as a list of elements, with
	 * the top element at the end: [  prev, top ].
 	 * @see java.lang.Object#toString()
	public String toString() {
		String s = "[";
		if (size() > 0)
			s += stack[0];
		if (size() > 1)
			for (int i = 1; i <= size() - 1; i++) {
				s += ", " + stack[i];
		return s + "]";

5. Main class for Stack example

package com.mysoftkey.ds.stack;

import java.util.Scanner;

 * This is Fixed Size array implementation demo client.
 * @author
public class FixedStackMain {

  // this class is for reading input from the keyboard.
  static Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;
  // this is Stack implemented class, here fixed array size implementation.
  //static Stack stack = new FixedArrayStack();
  public static void main(String[] args) {
     System.out.println("Enter size of stack :");
     int lengthOfStack =  scanner.nextInt();
     Stack stack = new FixedArrayStack(lengthOfStack);
     System.out.println("Stack created with size :" + lengthOfStack);
  	 System.out.println("\nEnter 1 for push() ");
	 System.out.println("Enter 2 for pop() ");
	 System.out.println("Enter 3 for top() ");
	 System.out.println("Enter 4 for iterate() ");
	 System.out.println("Enter 5 for exit(1) ");
	 int choice = scanner.nextInt();
	 try {
	    switch(choice) {
		case 1:
		   System.out.println("Enter a number to push.");
		case 2:
		   System.out.println("popped element : " + stack.pop());
		case 3:
		   System.out.println("top element : " +;
		case 4:
		    System.out.println(" elements are : " + stack.toString());
		case 5:
		    System.out.println("exit the sytem: ");
		default :
		  System.out.println("invalid option..........");
	} catch (Exception e) {
		System.err.println("error message : " + e.getMessage());


6. Console output of fixed Size Array based Stack Implementation

Enter size of stack :
Stack created with size :5

Enter 1 for push() 
Enter 2 for pop() 
Enter 3 for top() 
Enter 4 for iterate() 
Enter 5 for exit(1) 
Enter a number to push.

Enter 1 for push() 
Enter 2 for pop() 
Enter 3 for top() 
Enter 4 for iterate() 
Enter 5 for exit(1) 
Enter a number to push.

Enter 1 for push() 
Enter 2 for pop() 
Enter 3 for top() 
Enter 4 for iterate() 
Enter 5 for exit(1) 
Enter a number to push.

Enter 1 for push() 
Enter 2 for pop() 
Enter 3 for top() 
Enter 4 for iterate() 
Enter 5 for exit(1) 
top element : 33

Enter 1 for push() 
Enter 2 for pop() 
Enter 3 for top() 
Enter 4 for iterate() 
Enter 5 for exit(1) 
top element : 33

Enter 1 for push() 
Enter 2 for pop() 
Enter 3 for top() 
Enter 4 for iterate() 
Enter 5 for exit(1) 
 elements are : [11, 22, 33]

Enter 1 for push() 
Enter 2 for pop() 
Enter 3 for top() 
Enter 4 for iterate() 
Enter 5 for exit(1) 
exit the sytem: 

7. Reference

I hope you enjoyed this post of implementation of fixed size stack in Java, and you can visitdata structure tutorial for more details.

Visit Wiki page for behavioral design patterns.
Suggestions or comments are welcome to improve this post. cheers,
your comments/suggestions are welcome to improve this post. Happy Learning!

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