Java Servlet Interview Questions for all levels: servlet beginners, intermediate and advance user. Servlet frequently asked questions (Servlet FAQ).
Overview of Java Servlet Interview Questions
In the previous post JSP interview question and qnswer and in this post you find java srvlet FAQs interview questions for all level of interview.
what is differences between HttpServletRequest’s getSession(), getSession(true) and getSession(false) methods?
- HttpServletRequest.getSession(): it returns the current
associated with this request, or if the request does not have a session, creates new one. If no bolean argument provide it meansHttpServletRequest.getSession(true)
- HttpServletRequest.getSession(true): it returns the current
associated with this request, if there is no current session, returns a new session. - HttpServletRequest.getSession(false): it returns the current
associated with this request, if there is no current session, returnsnull
You can visit Oracle Java Official Docs for more details.
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Happy Learning servlet faqs interview question 🙂