Grafana for Analytic and Visualization

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grafana and analyticsGrafana for Analytic and Visualization, grafana and analytics work together on vertualization


Grafana is open source analytic and visualization tool. Nowdays, organization use this for infrastructure and application analytics but it depends on domain to domain.

Alternative opensource of Grafana:- Such as grafana we can used kibana as well, kibana is probably know as ELK tools.

Grafana support Data visualization & Monitoring with support for Graphite, InfluxDB, Prometheus, Elasticsearch , Kubernites and hadoop data as well.

We are going to discuss about how to configure Grafana server

  1. Installation of Grafana Server
  2. Configuration of Elasticsearch Data sources in Grafana Server.
  3. Dashboards Preparation using Elasticsearch Data Source
  4. Alerting
  5. How to integrate Hubot with Grafana
  6. Setup HA in Grafana itself.

Now days infrastructure is going to be change and migrated to cloud system, so we should discuss about dockerized env. as well.

So today we are going to discuss about two type of configuration.

  1. Standalone Server Linux
  2. Grafana on docker env.

Standalone Server:-

OS version: Ubuntu 16.04
Grafana version: 5.4.2
Virtual Machine name: AWS/GCP/Azure

APT Repository

Create a file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/grafana.list and add the following to it.

deb stable main

Use the above line even if you are on Ubuntu or another Debian version. Then add our gpg key. This allows you to install signed packages.

curl | sudo apt-key add –

Update your Apt repositories and install Grafana

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install Grafana

Start the server (via systemd)
To start the service using systemd:

systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl start grafana-server
systemctl status grafana-server

Enable the systemd service so that Grafana starts at boot.
sudo systemctl enable grafana-server.service

After installation to know the status of grafan server we must run

Sudo Systemctl status grafana-server and press enter and it will show the status of Grafana server.

Default file locations of Grafana Server

Package details
Installs binary to /usr/sbin/grafana-server
Installs Init.d script to /etc/init.d/grafana-server
Creates default file (environment vars) to /etc/default/grafana-server
Installs configuration file to /etc/grafana/grafana.ini
Installs systemd service (if systemd is available) name grafana-server.service
The default configuration sets the log file at /var/log/grafana/grafana.log
The default configuration specifies an sqlite3 db at /var/lib/grafana/grafana.db
Installs HTML/JS/CSS and other Grafana files at /usr/share/Grafana

Now the Grafana server is ready and it is running you can login through

Logging in for the first time

To run Grafana open your browser and go to http://IPADDRESS:3000/. 3000 is the default http port that Grafana listens.

There you will see the login page. Default username is admin and default password is admin.

When you log in for the first time you will be asked to change your password.

We strongly encourage you to follow Grafana’s best practices and change the default administrator password for security reason.

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