What are the Caveats for Relational Developer in Apache Cassandra?
Learn what are the caveats for relational developer in Apache Cassandra? Key points of caveats: normalization, focus on query, physical topology of cluster, join, etc.
Learn what are the caveats for relational developer in Apache Cassandra? Key points of caveats: normalization, focus on query, physical topology of cluster, join, etc.
Learn different aspects of CAP theorem or Brewer’s theorem for choosing databases, history of CAP theorem, basic use case of CAP theorem. CAP: Consistency, Availability, and Partition tolerance in database.
Learn how to delete index in elasticSearch using. Delete either documents or type or index using browser, cUrl, postman or rest client. delete carefully on production environment.
Learn CRUD Operations on Elastic Search Using Rest client. CRUD (create index, read/get content from index, Update index, and delete indexed data) operations using Rest client. You can do this via fiddler or Google’s Advance Rest Client plugin embedded in side the Crome browser.
Step-by-Step process to install elasticSearch on Windows. Learn how to install elastic search on window in simple steps.
Learn Apache Cassandra table, create table in Cassandra, describe table in cassandra, create table with ID, alter table in cassandra. drop table in cassandra.
What is Apache Cassandra? Key Features: Cassandra operation per sec, History of cassandra, Architecture of Cassandra, Cassandra is Faul-tolerance, massive scaling NOSQL database.
Learn Difference between Redis and Memcached, comparative study of Redis cache and memcached. key points of Redis and Memcached.
Example Of fixing bad shard key in MongoDB for a sharded cluster. This is a use-case based example, which you may encounter during working on mongoDB.
In MongoDB upgrade sharded cluster from one mongoDB version to another. step-by-step guide for mongoDB upgradation.